Tuesday, June 10, 2008

here's how

Being a loser arts (humanities) student there are few things the workings of which I can comprehend. So when I do comprehend one, tis a big deal.
Big enough to write about.
Recently I learnt the science behind one diet food.
Namely, Barista Slimmer smoothie.
It simply tastes awful. So awful that in case you buy it, post one sip you don't have any more.
No drink. No calorie. Perfect slimming recipe.
Q.E. D.

1 comment:

Zennmaster said...

LMFAO...my sentiments exactly...though I have boycotted both cafe coffee day and Barista cos of the blasphemous remarks made about smokers (such as meself) by the top management. I am not going to be filling up their coffers with me hard earned money...