Monday, May 5, 2008

Thank God

Amongst other things that we should thank God for, is for not answering all our prayers.
As human beings with limited knowledge and mostly, nearly no perspective, we pray for things that are not always for the best.
During a certain year of my life, I prayed and prayed to God to make the mighty Brahmaputra river change its course and flow through South India. Heck I even tried emotional blackmail on God like Sadhus of yore. I did not eat tiff in for a week.
Hoping to hear something of this sort in the 9'o'clock news: "In an unprecedented event, today, the river Brahmaputra has decided to flow through the states to AP, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Course effective from now"
All because in a certain geography test I had named the Brahmaputra as one of the the southern rivers.
God in his infinite wisdom pressed Ignore on this particular prayer and many others like:
Please bring horrid boyfriend back to me.
Please let me die.
Please change the shape of my nose.
Please bomb my school.
please please please
Make it rain. Make it rain.

Am sure you have your own list, thanks to this thing called 'in retrospect'.
Just remember to thank God for not answering all your prayers.

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